16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 23 November 2015



its the button again huehuehue

okay anyways, as yall can see from the title, its VIA Day 2 at Willing Hearts with Astraia Ma'ams! (shld i put Day 1 too? yea maybe i shall put in another post hahahahah)

okay soooo, tdy was so much more btr den day 1 cuz i did packing food with Alyssa and Nurul with Ma'am Jane and Ma'am Denise (i think Charlene, Yin Yin, Amanda, Gin Wen and Sadhvi packed for a little while before proceeding to cut veg)

soooo, this volunteer worker from Willing Hearts packed the rice (she's damn niceee omyyy i think her name is Sue <3 ), i mainly packed the veg and the fish/nuggets while Alyssa packed the frozen cheesballs/cheese slices while a girl from Raffles packed the styrofoam box in the big container.

poor charlene stabbed her thumb and yin yin sliced her thumb (ouchy ouch ouch)

and Sue is damn nice and friendly omyyyy she said she'll try to speak with the director of Willing Hearts to try to let us deliver the packed food when i told her we have never delievered before

looking at all the 5000 packets of food packed up and ready to be sent off to let the poor, the elderly, the disabled really creates a sense of accomplishment in me :) even tho my hand aches rn from all the non stop scooping of veg and my fingers still sort of sting a little cuz of the super hot nuggets and fish, it was really an awesome experience and i hope we can pack food again tmr! (and maybe see Sue again cuz as i said, SHE'S DAMN NICE HUEHUEHUE)

okay i shall move on to post day 1 now in another post :) see ya in a few minutes hahahah

~ De-On Button <3

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