16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 13 August 2015


Hi guysssssss,

 it has been so long since we last update the blog lol . sooooooooo...... last week....... WE FINALLY LEARNT HOW TO MARCHHHH, cool right???????! we were super excited about it ya know, not like we are a bunch of Primary 1 kids or something, but becuz it's MARCHING, which looks very cool when our seniors do it but when we do it... different story.

We were told that our posture was a bit...weird? As in some of us were psycho-motoring which i thought was pretty funny. I don't know how to explain it but i'm just gonna use this phrase 'same hand, same leg', that's the meaning lol.

And ALSO, on NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION LAST WEEK, we saw those uniformed groups' marching and it WAS SO COOL as well.. I wonder if we can march like that soon...

AND OUR SQUAD IS GONNA HAVE SOMETHING VERY FUN AFTER ALL EXAMS, POTLUCK YO! but im just gonna bring drinks and chips and more unhealthy food. HEHE

Anyway, bonding time with our ma'ams has always been fun, it's a great time to get to know each other better ^^ bonding is FUNNNN

So that's all for today, HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT and this is Baekimfm (Bee Kim), tune in to next update okay? SEE YA

~ Cool Artemis'2015 yo

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