16 individuals but 1 squad



Tuesday 17 April 2018

still alive

i think everyone forgot this blog existed...

anyway 4 months has passed and its time for MYE T.T....and also pop. it seems so close yet so far. it must feel rlly strange after pop, i mean idk np is like no longer there....? ugh im dreaming/imagining again

oh well avengers infinity war is out next week!! just came here to say this HAHA
also i rllyrlly hate channel 5 rn cos they r showing marvel films on sats n suns but ive to study cos mye is arnd the corner! also next week's schedule is for avengers films....which is like the pretty patty in that big burger....except this burger is dunked in the mud of MYEs. haiz. to watch or not to watch, i think the choice is p obvs!

anyway i saw this quote that rlly got me shook n kinda changed me??
its like "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life.'' i was like WOAH BRO. im 15 not 75 la but mmmmm the pang of remorse n realization was so deep!!

tony snark ;))))
yes im still sticking to that alias no matter how dumb it is

Tuesday 21 November 2017

ac done and dusted


i just wanted to say good job on surviving ac. we all were very reluctant for ac to happen but i feel that we did a relatively good job.

its been a 2 days since camp ended and i just have a few things to say. i feel that going through hardship does bond people together ahahahhahahahah idk I MISS YALL AHAHAH lol its really weird tho bc hardship is... painful. anyway, thank you artemis. thank you for always having my back. i screwed up so many times but you never once lashed/ put the blame on me but still helped me AHNKEWLFNEWJKNFERJKGNRKEJGE THANK YOU ananannana im tearing up i am really so thankful. during that incident i really felt alone, i really felt i was faced with a dead end, i really thought all of you would get agitated w me since i caused unnecessary trouble for everyone :p BUT YALL DIDNT NDJKEWNFRJGKWNREKJGNERKJ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhHHH wah, you wouldn't know what i felt when all of you went out of your way to help, it was a feeling of  happy, heartwarming, want to cry, happy so cry. so i dont know how to thank yall SO THANK YOU ARTEMIS fnrenfrejgnjkerngkjengkjtngkt lOV all of you :-))))) <33333333

next, i feel that we have improved how we communicate and how we execute things. it improved over the days as we garnered more confidence to relay instructions etc. so yey.

// its been 5 minutes idk how to elab on that point ^ but yeah we improved so das great

welfarewelfarewelfare !!!! important, welfare is our utmost priority. campers AND OUR OWN so artemis pls rest, pls get ur deserved 24h of sleep, pls dont become a zombie. i really look up to some of you that can stay awake for long hours with little or no sleep lol... how... i died.... and was zonging a lot.

the end (sorry abrupt im having a mind block)

Friday 10 November 2017

idk if the gif  in the prev post works for u but it didnt for me so anyway its just a gif of cap doing a thumbs up its nothing much just adorable??

idk im kinda laughing cos for some reason he looks funny to me

one week to ac!!

hello so our blog has been rlly inactive and so am i but anyways here's one

one week to ac hows everyone feeling? im nervous yet excied yet sad (actually its a myriad of emotions). anyway its our last camp together as artemis and for me its probs my last camp ever so idk...kinda will treasure this ac even though i fear it? lmao

idk im rlly looking forward to cf!!

i rlly hope all goes well....

just wanted to say jiayou artemis cos i think we can do it and you guys are really capable so i have belief in yalls and yeaaa we have each others backs so...
(im in no position to ay this things but ok)

so idk i think we shd have belief in ourselves!!

thats all lmao

anyways good job for those who got selected for cc com!! :)
here's some cap for both ac motivation and good job lmao!! i mean who doesnt like cap right!! (please dont say me)
okay gotta be honest here only yesterday did i realise ac was next week i was still thinking it was a month away oops. i mean, ive been doing preps and all ofc just the date awareness(?) wasnt there
also chaging alias to tony snark cos ive decided to quit the sjmess fandom, by that meaning not being an anti aka no more involvement whatsoever :) also i just like tony :)
here's a joke(no the joke isnt me btw):
why did the students eat their homework? cos their teacher told them it was a piece of cake!
(cr to my math teacher)
see yall soon,
tony snark :)))

Sunday 29 October 2017

what is life when u dont die?


u wot m8


PLS GO WELL pls PLEASE i beg u ac go wELL

Monday 7 August 2017

hello from the other side

ye well chaol eastfall is back(kinda decided i didnt want to change my alias to the darkling after all bc it sounded too much like the duckling)
hmm its been 4 mths since i was last here oops i guess i kind of just lost interest in life lmao

anyyways national day celeb tmr? its been like a year since we marched with maams and im still missing it alotalot u dunt get it. im rlly sad we dunt get to march this year but im rlllyrlly excited to see nik n charlene hold flags???(idk what the name is AHHHHH)

the past 3 weeks hv been rlyrly crazy istg. i mean, we had so many np events and also CTs. it was like super hectic n evryone felt like kms but u know what we survived! its like taking a wild ride in a hurricane but enjoying every wild second of it. the challanges of yesterday is like our strength today, if you catch my drift. i miss it kinda and might even wanna experience it again, idk.

anyways drill com last sat! i rlly hope we make it to the finals cos id like more trainings if it meant being in the finals(how do i put this)

also stc! its been more than a week but im still missing it alot and i rlly want to go back, tho im probs never seeing the campsite again :"( but ive no regrets, and it was an enjoyable as it was enriching. and it was def worth not studying for the few upcoming tests ;))))

idk if i shd be this chill HAHAHA it seems so wrong

next part is a book rant so ya feel free to skip!
[anyway Tower of Dawn, a book by sarah j maas, is out next month. okay first of all im gna make it clear that im anti-sjm so um ya ive nothing good to say about her. i used to stan her writing so much, until she wrote her 4th book in throne of glass series and screwed up my fav character(chaol westfall, do u now see the link w my alias) for a ship i despise sm. i mean, she didnt have to fillet his character to make a ship work. tahts just downright shitty and ugly. this isnt the only thing i dislike about her, infact i shant continue as my criticism of sjm and her books is a 9 page rant on a word doc(do u see how deep the hate runs). im practically your local salt mine. to get to my point, this book is about chaol, and im rlly not excited for it, cos im not impressed with her writing of chaol so far. n what i dont get is why she is writing a book about a character she hates. to me she is jus milking her lousy writing an trying to woo back ppl like me who were once fans. lol nah.
i also dislike her stans lel
while other chaol fans and her stans are getting rlly excited for this book im like NONONO PLS DUN COME OUT. i actually want her to kill chaol off so that she cant ruin his character anymore :(

btw beekim likes sarah j maas so that puts us at opposite ends but we r chill lol}


btw yall shd listen to ruelle's songs teehee. im kinda obsessed with the other side by ruelle rn. imo shes one of the most underrated artists. her songs r so good and makes me so emo(esp bc her songs r used in shadowhunters and argh the feels)
jus a heads up the other side is actually a sad song so um dont expect an upbeat tempo

yey bye im going to eat choc

chaol eastfall